Milwaukee New York additional flights Frontier Airlines




Low Cost, Travel News


, , Milwaukee,


30th January, 2011

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Frontier Airlines, based in the United States announces that it will offer additional Milwaukee New York flights. Frontier Airlines additional Milwaukee New York flights will be effective on 4th April 2011 and will operate daily except on Saturdays. Frontier Airlines additional flights are scheduled to take off from New York La Guardia at 7hr15pm to land in Milwaukee at 8hr49pm. The return additional flights of Frontier Airlines are scheduled to take off from Milwaukee at 3hr30pm to land in New York La Guardia at 6hr42pm. Passengers travelling between Milwaukee and New York La Guardia will be provided with Frontier Airlines onboard services like movies and news that are featured in different languages. To recall, Air Valid provides passengers with information on luggage Frontier Airlines so that passengers are aware of the amount and weight of luggage they are entitled to on different type of flights in different classes.

Source: Frontier Airlines

Frontier Airlines, Dolphin tail

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One Response for the article “Milwaukee New York additional flights Frontier Airlines”

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    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ervin Air Valid, Airvalid_News and AirValid Affiliation, Urvashi Doobree. Urvashi Doobree said: Milwaukee New York additional flights Frontier Airlines: Best price for an air ticket from London to New York NY… [...]

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